Ty and Lauren had to go to the doctor. Ty for his exzema, and Lauren for her kindergarten checkup.
Lauren was really nervous because she wasn't sure if this was going to include shots or not. So far, so good.
She shows the doctor how she can jump so perfectly!
She shows the doctor how she can jump on one foot. Oh what balance! (This is actually kinda fun.)
But now she hears that she has to get a shot and the worry and reality set in.
"Oh man, that was overwhelming. But it wasn't as bad as I thought." She got 5 shots.
Ty shows the doctor his itchies.
You did it! We are so proud of you Lauren. You were so brave.
I feel like my children are so unique. I guess going to the doc inspired Ty to be healthy, because here he is eating a spinich and baby green salad with sugar snap peas, broccoli, onions, eggs, and topped with salmon. His drink is straight pomogranite juice. Yeh, he ate the entire thing. He drank all of his juice. The tough guy tat says it all. Who needs "deceptively delicious?"
Lauren is practicing for the big recital. She is doing so well. She has a great time in her dance class with her friend, Hudson.
Patiently waiting for Lauren to finish.
The chicks have been very loved. Perhaps too much. Lauren and Brooklynn love to give them rides in the strollers. Do the chicks love it? Let's just assume that they do.
My Domain.
Madeline is such an animal lover.Ty looked so cute in his swim outfit. He had already gone poo that day so I took his diaper off. Val cut up a bunch of watermelon, and Ty must have eaten most of it. Next thing you know diarrhea. What a mess. Truly a stinker!!!
WAY too cute! I love that Maddi is in love with the chicks and Lauren pushing them in the stroller is hilarious! I need to take Keaton in for a check up because his skin is all dry. It come from my dad. We can all thank him:).
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