

The story of Oreo, the little rabbit.

O.K., so here's the story:We were driving home from church a couple months back. There's a sign saying FREE RABBITS on the side of the road. Greg pulls over. I say no no. Then Greg says "alright you guys, if we get a rabbit, will you stop bugging us about a dog?" Of course the kids say ya ya ya. We want that rabbit! Next thing you know we have a pet rabbit. Oreo is a good rabbit. Cuddles and everything. Problem is, He scratches everyone. Pretty soon, he is spending all of his time in the cage. He's making me sneeze and itch. It's messy. And we still get a dog.
After Christmas, The rabbit is never held or paid attention to. Poor little Oreo. I'm the only one to feed it and give it water. We all decide that we should let Oreo go on "the mountain". "He'll find a new family and a home there". So, we take little Oreo up the mountain, and let him go. A couple of chilly and rainy nights pass, and guilt is setting in for Greg and I. Next thing you know, one of the little
neighbor kids who frequently plays on "the mountain" yells, "I found Oreo!" All of the kids run up to greet him. He's alive and doing fine. They feed him carrots and pet his silky fur. "Oh Oreo, we are so glad you're doing good." Meanwhile, Maddi and Lexi are walking Lexi's dog, TANK. Tank is a very good (and huge) puppy. They hear that Oreo has been found. They run to see the cute little rabbit. Tank spots the black and white ball of fir, and takes off, pulling Lexi down. Both girls together can't hold him. Tank gets Oreo and shakes him around. Blood curdling screams come from all of the kids. "Oreo's dead! Oreo's dead! Tank killed Oreo!" Truly any dog would have done the same. The neighbors come out to see the commotion. One of them got it on video. Then they say he peed on himself and was breathing really fast. I told Greg to get off the phone, and go kill Oreo, so he wouldn't suffer anymore. Greg (rattled) goes to look at the rabbit. Meanwhile, a guy down the street is bringing up some plastic bags to dispose of him. Greg comes down the street holding the rabbit. "He's fine everyone. Calm down. He's going to be just fine." (Of course he won't put the rabbit down.) He's petting him and takes him in the back yard. Everyone just watches and stares. The kids breathe a sigh of relief. "Is he really fine, Greg?" You can guess. He takes him to a different mountain to "live". Every one's happy. Including Oreo, who is eating carrots in rabbit heaven.


Melody said...

That is the funniest sad story ever! Poor Oreo!

Marci said...

Robb and I just read your story. Holy cow! I can't believe what happened to poor little Oreo. But you are one great story teller, for sure! Thanks for the (um) laugh though.

jen said...

I love animals, especially rabbits. I'm crying for sweet Oreo. RIP Oreo, Dusty, Carmel, Rambo, Thumper, Thayer & SH. We might get our boys a sweet little bunny for Easter. We will love it and give it carrots, lettuce and treats. We will not leave our bunny on the mountain.

Jared Campbell said...

Don't feel bad Heather. I think most rabbits are destined to die horrible tragic deaths. Remember Chi Chi & Chow? I'm sure Wheeler farm kept them for about a day before giving them the shovel treatment.

Erin said...

OH how sad Heather! Poor Oreo....and poor Greg for having to "take him to another mountain." Ugh!!! How smart and quick thinking on Gregs part. I guess Tank's not a Wus afterall. lol!

Grandma Campbell said...

Poor Oreo!
Every family has to have a story like the one about Oreo. It will be a funny but sad family memory.

The Ludwig Family said...

Thats sick. I hope the kids never find out the truth!! How's " the dog?" I don't remember his name, but Aaron loves it!! He's a huge godfather fan.

Carolynn and Corby said...

Only Greg Would let a domesticated house bunny run free into the mountains?
Really? Greg you rock!